[2016 EVENT]110POINT

Code 20161219042410
Selling Price
Manufacturer SADOL[KOREA]
QTY ea
If the shopper would like to purchase the large amount of products, please put it all in the cart then order it.

Hi this is SADOL.
We thank you all for loves and support towards to us, and we are launching this event for all of you! Hooray!

We are presenting online gift card to you : )

These points do not expires, so you can use them any time.

There's $100.00 point and $200.00 point online gift card.

- If you purchase $100.00, gets 10% bonus points

- If you purchase $200.00, gets 15% bonus points

We promise to do our best and put passion into every single products we make.
Happy Holidays and hope you have great time.

Thank you.

< 2016 Winter Event >
- Period : 2016 Dec 19 ~ 2017 Jan 8
- Description :
1. $100.00 point online gift card.
If you purchase $100.00 gift card, gets 10% bonus points. Total amount will be $110.00 points.

2. $200.00 point online gift card.
If you purchase $200.00 gift card, gets 15% bonus point. Total amount will be $230.00 points .

No expiration date on points
* Even points will be automatically added to their account the next day.
* Only can be used online.

1. Unless the items are found with damage, it will not be returned according to the order policy.

2. All the costs related to damage returning will be made by us.

3. The return payment related to some damage will be made as the customer paid. 

4. The return payment will be made after the items are returned back.

5. Return will not be made by the damage which is caused by customer.

6. The return payment for damage will be made only by Paypal.